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Dorty jsem začala péct v únoru 2009.

Tedy až na jednu výjimku, kterou byla barbie z krému, bez pomůcek, a to v roce 1999 pro dceru Markétku.

Po shromáždění několika receptů na korpusy, krém, potahovací hmotu a zakoupení základních potravinářských barev v prášku, jsem se pustila do pečení a zdobení převážně netradičních dortů.

Dnes používám koupené potahovací hmoty-čistě bílý belgický White Icing, také bílou hmotu s příchutí višní a mandlí-Smartflex, pravý marcipán dvou druhů a Čokoflex, což je hmota tmavě hnědé barvy -s příchutí kakaa, ale i téměř bílé barvy, s příchutí bílé čokolády.

Pomůcek mám již také celou řadu, některé jsem si vyráběla i sama.

Udělat dort není nic těžkého, jen to chce trochu představivosti a  trpělivosti:-)

Příp. se můžete podívat do složky Návody, kam jsem pro případnou radu a inspiraci dala několik  postupů na výrobu figurek a 3D dortů.

Dorty peču jen podle mojí vlastní fantazie, pouze s případnou inspirací podle některé dodané předlohy, ale vždy přizpůsobené mému stylu.Žádný dortík nepeču dvakrát, každý kus je originál.

Vyrobit-vymodelovat se dá v podstatě všechno, proto s radostí vítám nová témata.Jsou vždy výzvou, naučit se zase něco nového.




Datum: 30. 9. 2011
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Datum: 25. 2. 2012
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Datum: 30. 9. 2011
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Datum: 10. 2. 2012
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Datum: 30. 9. 2011
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Jiné pečení

Datum: 2. 8. 2008
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K narození miminka

Datum: 21. 7. 2010
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Datum: 30. 9. 2011
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Datum: 28. 6. 2010
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Datum: 30. 9. 2011
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Marcipánové ozdoby na dorty

Datum: 15. 1. 2011
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Moře, pláž

Datum: 28. 6. 2010
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Motorky, čtyřkolky

Datum: 28. 6. 2010
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Datum: 8. 7. 2010
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Netradiční s různými tématy

Datum: 8. 7. 2010
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Ovocné, tvarohové

Datum: 28. 6. 2010
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Datum: 7. 8. 2011
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Datum: 30. 9. 2011
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Datum: 28. 6. 2010
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Datum: 8. 7. 2010
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Pro dospělé

Datum: 6. 10. 2010
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Profese a koníčky, záliby

Datum: 26. 2. 2011
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Datum: 28. 6. 2010
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Prostorové-3D dorty

Datum: 28. 6. 2010
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Datum: 8. 7. 2010
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Datum: 23. 5. 2011
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Datum: 10. 2. 2012
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Datum: 28. 6. 2010
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Datum: 6. 3. 2011
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Datum: 28. 6. 2010
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Datum: 23. 5. 2011
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Datum: 30. 9. 2011
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Datum: 30. 9. 2011
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Datum: 28. 6. 2010
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(Vitalyyrothe, 24. 11. 2023 23:43)


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(Franklok, 24. 11. 2023 19:14)

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Struggling regarding Justice with Martinicchio Offender Defense Group

(Warrenlag, 21. 11. 2023 0:04)

Whenever encountering legal fees, a person require a good recommend within your own place. Martinicchio Offender Security Team provides the particular competence to be in which fierce safe bet. Why don't we discover how this particular organization gives best-level lawful representation regarding clients throughout Brand new Jacket.

Regarding Martinicchio Legal Protection Team:
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Opportunity of Criminal Security Providers:
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Together with any client-very first ideology along with a unrelenting method, Martinicchio Legal Protection Party has any monitor report of accomplishing effective final results. His or her expertise gives the effective defense an individual deserve.

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Battling regarding Proper rights together with Martinicchio Criminal Defense Party

(Warrenlag, 20. 11. 2023 17:36)

Any time dealing with legal fees, an individual need a great recommend in the part. Martinicchio Offender Security Group has the particular competence to become that fierce defender. Why don't we explore exactly how this kind of firm offers top-rate legal statement with regard to clients in Fresh Jacket.

Regarding Martinicchio Criminal Defense Party:
-Started through May well Ur. Martinicchio, a previous Middlesex County Assistant Da
-Decades of combined experience effectively defending consumers
-Team of educated lawyers devoted to personalized protection
-Dedicated to guarding rights as well as achieving ideal final results
Opportunity of Criminal Defense Providers:
-Protection with regard to just about all types of Nj-new jersey legal fees - Driving under the influence, medication offenses, theft, and so on.
-Young offense rendering
-Household abuse and restrictive order circumstances
-Sex crime allegations
-Hardship, assault, as well as fierce crimes
-White collar and monetary crimes
-Traffic infringements and motorist's license protection

Consumer-Centered Method:
-Custom made security tactic based upon the distinctive circumstance
-Focus on consumer communication along with schooling
-Sympathetic assistance by means of the hard method
-Any history of dismissing costs and maintaining clients out of imprisonment

Court Skills:
-Seasoned test lawyers skilled in building a strong defense
-Experience discussing beneficial request bargains
-Competent at consequence support to reduce penalties
-Knowledge of Nj process of law along with offender proper rights program

Why Customers Have confidence in Martinicchio Offender Defense Party:
-Tested results in acquiring cancellations, exculpations, and demand reducing
-Status for hostile along with moral representation
-Individual attention as well as regard regarding every client
-Cost-effective lawful security services

With any client-very first considering and a unrelenting strategy, Martinicchio Legal Security Group provides any monitor history of accomplishing successful effects. His or her expertise offers the actual robust protection a person are entitled to.

Permit me recognize when an individual might like myself to be able to increase or add any particulars about particular areas.

Battling regarding The law together with Martinicchio Offender Protection Team

(Warrenlag, 20. 11. 2023 14:31)

When facing legal fees, you need a good promoter in the part. Martinicchio Legal Protection Group provides the actual expertise in order to be in which intense defender. Let's discover how this kind of company offers best-tier authorized representation with regard to clients throughout New Shirt.

Concerning Martinicchio Legal Defense Party:
-Launched through May well R. Martinicchio, a former Middlesex county State Assistant Lawyer or attorney
-Decades of combined knowledge successfully protecting customers
-Staff of well-informed law firm dedicated to customized protection
-Focused to be able to guarding legal rights and accomplishing optimal outcomes
Range of Offender Security Services:
-Protection regarding almost all varieties of Nj-new jersey criminal costs - DUI, drug offenses, theft, etc.
-Juvenile criminal offense representation
-Household abuse and restrictive order instances
-Sex offensive costs
-Homicide, assault, along with fierce crimes
-White shirt and financial offenses
-Website traffic transgressions along with car owner's licence security

Customer-Focused Approach:
-Custom made defense tactic dependent on the unique circumstance
-Stress on consumer communication and education
-Compassionate advice via any challenging procedure
-The history of overlooking charges along with retaining clients out of imprisonment

Trial Capabilities:
-Seasoned trial lawyers skilled from building the robust protection
-Knowledge discussing good request deals
-Experienced in sentencing support to be able to decrease charges
-Understanding of Nj courts along with offender justice method

Exactly why Customers Trust Martinicchio Legal Defense Team:
-Established final results within receiving terminations, exonerations, and demand reductions
-Status for hostile along with honorable representation
-Individual interest as well as regard for every client
-Cost-effective legal security expert services

Bottom line:
Along with a client-first philosophy as well as the tenacious strategy, Martinicchio Criminal Defense Group provides the track history of achieving effective final results. His or her competence provides the actual powerful security a person deserve.

Allow myself understand when a person would such as everyone in order to expand or even add virtually any particulars upon certain areas.


(Margaretreu, 20. 11. 2023 7:33)


Almost all Expert Eaves trough Guards Mass media, PA: Shielding Homes coming from the particular Factors

(RichardtiC, 19. 11. 2023 14:23)

All Professional Rain gutter Protectors Mass media, Pa: Shielding Houses from the actual Aspects

Guarding your own home through the elements is actually the top concern regarding any house owner, along with a single vital factor often disregarded is actually the actual gutter program. Just about all Pro Gutter Guards, based in Media, PA, focuses on within offering dependable solutions in order to keep your rain gutters free of charge coming from debris and functioning optimally. Why don't we check out exactly why rain gutter protectors tend to be essential regarding house maintenance.

Benefits of Eaves trough Guards
Rain gutter guards enjoy the vital function in preventing obstructions and particles buildup within your own eaves trough method. Through behaving because any barrier, that they ensure which rainwater can flow easily, preventing prospective damage to the house's groundwork along with landscaping design. Furthermore, gutter protectors increase the durability of your gutters, giving any cost-effective along with extended-phrase means to fix.

Just about all Expert Rain gutter Shields Expertise
All Professional Rain gutter Shields delivers any prosperity of encounter to the table. Along with the sound popularity regarding high quality installment, their own team of trained experts makes certain which your own rain gutter guards are mounted together with exactness as well as performance, providing a person tranquility of brain for years to be able to come.
Kinds of Gutter Shields
Certainly not almost all gutter protectors are usually produced equal rights. All Professional Rain gutter Shields gives any variety of choices, every designed in order to address certain demands. Coming from fine mesh protectors in order to reverse shape protectors, that they help homeowners choose the actual correct kind based in elements such as local plant as well as climate circumstances.

Installation Method
Stressed regarding the complicated installation process? Concern certainly not. All Pro Gutter Guards ensures the clear-cut along with bother-free of charge installation. Their own effective process means a person could begin taking pleasure in the actual benefits of safeguarded rain gutters previous as compared to a person consider.

Cost-Powerful Home Safety
Whilst some may see gutter protectors as an additional expenditure, they are, throughout simple fact, a wise expenditure. The particular lengthy-phrase cost financial savings from preventing prospective problems as well as maintenance tasks create gutter protectors a cost-powerful solution regarding homeowners.

Customer Recommendations
What much better approach to determine the actual effectiveness of the assistance compared to through the terms of satisfied customers? Almost all Pro Rain gutter Protectors happily stocks testimonials through house owners which have skilled the actual good influence of his or her services, displaying the particular actual-existence advantages.

Value of Regular Maintenance
Even together with rain gutter shields, routine repair is crucial to guaranteeing ideal efficiency. All Professional Rain gutter Protectors stress the significance of regular repair and provides guidance in exactly how to sustain a well-operating rain gutter method.

Climate-Proof Eaves trough Protectors
Living in Mass media, Pennsylvania imply encountering numerous climate problems through the particular yr. Almost all Expert Rain gutter Shields offers temperature-resistant solutions, making certain the gutter guards stand up to the particular challenges of bad weather, snowfall, as well as everything within between.

Custom made Options regarding Properties
Not really every residence is the actual exact same, as well as Almost all Expert Gutter Guards identifies this. That they supply personalized options tailored to be able to the particular particular needs of your own home, providing tailor-made visits to be able to

Almost all Expert Gutter Shields Media, Pennsylvania: Shielding Homes coming from the actual Aspects

(RichardtiC, 19. 11. 2023 13:12)

Just about all Pro Eaves trough Protectors Mass media, Pennsylvania: Defending Properties through the Aspects

Defending your own house from the aspects will be any top priority for just about any homeowner, along with one essential factor frequently ignored is actually the particular eaves trough method. All Pro Gutter Shields, dependent throughout Press, Pennsylvania, focuses on throughout giving dependable alternatives to be able to maintain your own rain gutters totally free through particles along with working optimally. Let us check out why rain gutter guards are usually vital for residence repair.

Advantages of Eaves trough Shields
Rain gutter shields enjoy a crucial part in stopping blocks and particles buildup within the rain gutter system. By acting because any obstacle, that they guarantee in which rain fall may flow freely, stopping potential injury in order to your own house's basis as well as landscape designs. Additionally, rain gutter guards expand the durability of your eaves troughs, providing any charge-powerful and extended-expression solution.

Almost all Pro Rain gutter Guards Expertise
Almost all Expert Rain gutter Guards brings any prosperity of encounter to the actual stand. With a strong popularity with regard to top quality installing, their group of trained professionals makes certain which the rain gutter guards are usually set up together with exactness along with productivity, giving an individual tranquility of mind for decades in order to appear.
Kinds of Eaves trough Guards
Not almost all gutter guards tend to be created equal rights. Just about all Pro Gutter Guards gives the variety of options, each created to be able to address particular requirements. Through mesh shields in order to invert bend protectors, these people aid house owners pick the actual proper kind dependent upon factors including neighborhood foliage as well as weather problems.

Set up Method
Concerned about any complicated unit installation process? Fear not. Almost all Expert Gutter Guards guarantees any easy and trouble-free of charge unit installation. Their own efficient procedure means a person can commence enjoying the actual gains of safeguarded rain gutters sooner as compared to you believe.

Charge-Effective Home Security
Whilst several might see eaves trough guards as a great added cost, these people tend to be, in reality, the smart expense. The particular long-term charge cost savings through preventing prospective destruction as well as repairs help to make rain gutter shields the charge-efficient answer regarding house owners.

Client Customer feedback
What better approach in order to gauge the particular performance of a services as compared to by means of the actual terms of satisfied customers? Just about all Expert Rain gutter Shields with pride shares customer feedback coming from homeowners which possess suffered from the good influence of their providers, displaying the actual-existence gains.

Value of Regular Maintenance
Actually together with rain gutter shields, program repair is key in order to guaranteeing ideal performance. All Professional Rain gutter Shields stress the value of regular upkeep and offers assistance in just how in order to preserve the properly-operating rain gutter system.

Temperature-Resistant Eaves trough Shields
Dwelling throughout Mass media, Pa imply going through different climate problems through the 12 months. All Professional Gutter Protectors offers temperature-resistant solutions, ensuring your own gutter protectors stand up to the particular challenges of rainfall, snowfall, along with everything within amongst.

Custom made Solutions regarding Properties
Certainly not each and every residence will be the particular exact same, as well as Just about all Pro Eaves trough Shields recognizes this kind of. They supply tailored options tailored to the specific needs of the residence, giving personalized visits in order to

Almost all Pro Gutter Shields Media, PA: Safeguarding Houses coming from the particular Factors

(RichardtiC, 19. 11. 2023 8:40)

Just about all Pro Eaves trough Shields Media, PA: Shielding Properties through the actual Elements

Protecting the house through the components is actually the best priority for any homeowner, and one essential aspect frequently overlooked will be the actual rain gutter system. All Expert Rain gutter Protectors, structured throughout Press, PA, concentrates on throughout giving dependable alternatives to retain your own rain gutters free of charge from debris and working optimally. Let's discover the reason why gutter protectors are usually vital regarding house repair.

Benefits of Rain gutter Guards
Rain gutter shields perform the crucial role throughout avoiding blocks and particles buildup throughout the rain gutter system. By behaving since any buffer, they guarantee which rain fall may circulation easily, preventing probable injury in order to your home's foundation and landscaping. Furthermore, eaves trough shields increase the actual life-span of your eaves troughs, giving a price-efficient and extended-term means to fix.

Just about all Professional Rain gutter Shields Expertise
Almost all Professional Rain gutter Guards gives any wealth of knowledge to the actual stand. With any strong popularity regarding top quality installations, their own staff of trained experts ensures in which your eaves trough guards are usually mounted along with accuracy and productivity, offering an individual tranquility of thoughts with regard to years to appear.
Kinds of Rain gutter Guards
Certainly not all gutter shields are produced equal rights. All Pro Rain gutter Guards offers any selection of alternatives, each and every developed in order to address specific demands. From fine mesh protectors to reverse shape shields, they help house owners select the correct type structured on factors such as local foliage as well as weather problems.

Installation Procedure
Worried regarding any complicated set up procedure? Fear not. All Professional Gutter Shields makes certain the easy as well as hassle-totally free unit installation. Their efficient procedure signifies a person could start experiencing the gains of guarded eaves troughs faster compared to an individual believe.

Price-Efficient House Safety
While a few may possibly observe rain gutter guards because a good additional expenditure, these people are, within simple fact, a smart expenditure. The long-phrase charge cost savings through avoiding prospective destruction and vehicle repairs make gutter shields any price-effective answer regarding house owners.

Client Recommendations
Just what far better method in order to gauge the actual performance of a services as compared to via the particular phrases of satisfied consumers? All Pro Gutter Protectors with pride explains to you customer feedback coming from homeowners which possess suffered from the optimistic effect of their own providers, showing the particular actual-existence gains.

Significance of Normal Repair
Even along with rain gutter shields, program servicing is important to guaranteeing ideal overall performance. Almost all Pro Eaves trough Shields highlights the significance of frequent repair and gives guidance on just how to be able to preserve any nicely-functioning gutter system.

Temperature-Resistant Gutter Guards
Dwelling in Media, PA signifies experiencing numerous climate circumstances throughout the year. Almost all Expert Eaves trough Shields offers climate-proof solutions, guaranteeing your rain gutter guards withstand upward to the actual problems of rain, snowfall, as well as almost everything within between.

Personalized Alternatives with regard to Properties
Certainly not each and every house is the particular exact same, along with All Pro Gutter Protectors recognizes this. They provide tailored options tailored to be able to the particular specific requirements of your own home, offering tailor-made consultations to


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The actual Essential Guide to be able to Clothes dryer Air flow vent Cleanup

(RichardPhime, 18. 11. 2023 7:11)

Blocked drying air vents could pose significant fire along with health hazards. This particular article will certainly explore the significance of professional drying venting washing and exactly how that safeguards your home and family.

Primary Sections:

1. The reason why Dryer Venting Cleaning Matters
- Avoids lint put together as well as clogs
- Decreases danger of drying that will fire
- Enhances oxygen high quality along with wipes out shape
- Saves funds through raising productivity
- Prolongs existence of clothes dryer
2. Signs You Require Clothes dryer Vent Washing
- Lint noticeable around air flow ports
- Garments taking extended to dried out
- Clothes dryer getting too hot as well as stopping 50 percent-cycle
- Musty scents on garments
- High power invoices

3. Professional Washing Advantages
- Robust truck-attached vacuums
- Movie examination capacity
- Entry hard-to-reach vents
- Get rid of constructed-upward fibers as well as particles
- Ensure proper air circulation will be renewed

4. Drying Air flow vent Washing Procedure
- Phase 1: Remove venting through dryer
- Step 2: Feed hose into venting pipe
- Phase 3: Vacuum fluff, dust as well as particles
- Action 4: Nice and clean air flow vent cover and external
- Action 5: Re-affix clothes dryer air flow vent

5. Value of Twelve-monthly Dryer Air flow vent Washing
- Fibers could collect quickly and result in obstructions
- Annual expert cleanup prevents problems
- Essential with regard to flame basic safety and performance
- peace of brain your own air vents tend to be clear of risks

Bottom line:
Keep the home safe with yearly drying vent cleaning. Get hold of any qualified expert in order to make certain this essential task is completed adequately.

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